NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) or Painless-Choose your Pregnancy Path

Pregnancy entails making decisions not only for yourself, but also what’s best for your baby. Deciding whether to have painless deliver or NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) is an important decision that you and your partner must carefully think of.
Giving birth is no joke as there are many cases of women dying from delivery. This is not to scare you though, but rather to inform you of the importance of choosing the best possible method that you’re comfortable of doing.
Before the development of technology, natural birth has been the practice all around the world and had quite a high success rate. But due to lack of technology to support this method, many have also died. The advancement of technology in the field of medicine provided other options to women on giving birth.
NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) refer to any delivery of the baby through the vagina without the mechanical assistance of vacuum aspirator or obstetric forceps and without the use of drugs to induce labor.
For women experiencing pregnancy for the first time, NSD might be a little more difficult since the pelvis is not yet wide enough to accommodate a child. This is extremely painful especially if no anesthesia is use.
But traditional mothers prefer NSD because they argue that they’ll be able to fully experience the joy of pregnancy and being a mom. They believe that this pregnancy experience will strengthen the bond between them and their baby.
Painless deliver on the other hand comes in different methods to choose from. There’s caesarean surgery in which the front part of the abdomen is cut. This is usually done when the mother is suffering from HIV infection, diabetes, and high blood among other diseases that makes natural birth risky.
There’s also acupressure pregnancy delivery method in which eight acupressure points in the body are press during labor, which helps relieve the pain of giving birth. Another is vacuum pregnancy delivery method wherein a metal or plastic cap is used to guide the baby’s head out of the vagina. The cup is connected to a tube that generates vacuum and helps in suction. This pregnancy delivery method however can pose danger as it can cause more damage and tear the mother as well as serious injury to the baby.
Whatever method you decided to use, the most important thing is that you and the baby are safe. After all, nobody knows your body better than you do, so it is advisable to assess how much pain you can handle and it is best to prepare yourself for delivery throughout your pregnancy to make the labor easier and less painful.


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