Terms that you Need to Know in Labor and Pregnancy

You may encounter some medical jargons when you look up for information about your pregnancy.  For expectant mothers who have no medical knowledge they may be difficult to remember. Fortunately there is a lot of information that you can find in the internet.

During pregnancy your doctor may mention a couple of medical terms. In other cases you can also find information online about pregnancy, especially on Wikipedia. They may be difficult to understand or remember if you don’t have any medical background. Mothers don’t need to memorize everything but it’s helpful to remember common terms, especially in child birth. This will enable you to prepare yourself while in your pregnancy before delivery day.  This will also help you in knowing any complications that may arise in the course of your pregnancy. Here are some common terms that may help you.

  • Pre-eclampsia – hypertension induced pregnancy
  • Abruption Placenta – the placenta has separated from the uterine wall before the baby is born
  • Amniotic fluid – the liquid which surrounds the fetus, it helps protect the unborn child in your womb while in your pregnancy
  • Breech presentation – the baby is positioned with the heads up, the buttocks or both feet are going to be born first
  • Complete Breech – the buttocks of the baby is going to be born first, but the legs are folded “Indian style” which makes the delivery difficult
  • Cephalopelvic Disproportion – the baby is too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis
  • Epidural Anesthesia – the most commonly used anesthesia in child birth, a catheter is threaded to a needle which is inserted in the dura space near the spinal cord. Anesthesia and other medications are administered through the catheter.
  • Contraction – the tightening of the uterus which helps push the baby down through the mother’s birth canal
  • Dilation – extent of the cervix’s opening for child birth, it’s measured in centimeters, fully opened at 10 cm.
  • Crowning – when the baby’s head or “crown” is visible at the vaginal opening
  • Episiotomy – incision of the perineum to widen the opening of the vagina for delivery
  • Cesarean – incision made on the abdomen and uterus to extract the baby  

There is a lot of information online about pregnancy.  Your healthcare provider will also be discussing pregnancy with you so will encounter many of these terms. Information, balanced diet and exercise are the tools that will make you healthy during pregnancy, and help prevent any complications.


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