Pregnancy Week 30


Inside Your Body

In the beginning, your baby was dependent on your blood for his/her circulation through your placenta, but now he/she is becoming self-sufficient as his/her bone marrow is now becoming the main source of red cell production in his/her body.  After all, your baby is now 43cm tall and weighs 1.35kg.

In the next few months it will also be contributed by his/her spleen and liver.  Your baby’s hands are fully developed and are growing fingernails.  His/her eyebrow and eyelashes should also be fully developed by now.  His/her hair is getting thicker.  The amniotic fluid around your baby will slowly reduce.  Your baby’s brain will continue to grow. 

Your Signs And Symptoms

You are gaining about 450g each week.  You have a big belly by now, so it is advisable to avoid strenuous activity. It is good to keep yourself mobile during your entire pregnancy, but during these last few weeks you are more prone to get tired without doing anything.  Your uterus is over 10cm above your belly button. Your belly button is also protruding.

Deciding Mode Of Delivery

This indeed is the time to start deciding your mode of delivery.  There are a variety of methods depending upon individual wishes.  Some women want to give birth to the baby under water, which is to some extent good for the baby too as he/she will be born in the same aquatic environment and will not feel any different from the mother’s womb.  Some women want their husband or partner to stand by them to see the entire process of delivery, as it is believed to bring parents and the baby closer. However, there are other women who want to give birth to their baby without inviting any close relatives to the labor room.

Under normal circumstances, most deliveries are vaginal deliveries as it is preferred.  C- section is less preferred because it takes longer to recover from the delivery, longer period of immobility, more chances of blood loss and post- procedure complications like wound infection, and there would be a permanent scar.  But if vaginal delivery is impossible due to maternal health or risk to the life or health of the baby, C-section is the alternative.


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