Growing Up Happy and Healthy!


Healthy habits formed from young help your child grow up fit and healthy. 

Besides eating well, there are other health habits which you should inculcate in your child from young, as these will help reduce health-related problems as they grow up. An active lifestyle, good oral hygiene and vision care are equally important to your child’s development and future well-being. Here are some tips to help you get started!

Let’s get active!

Physical activity is important for your child’s growth and development.

  • Engage your child (below 7 years old) in regular physical activity on a daily basis.  This not only helps to keep them healthy, it will also nurture an interest in them to lead an active lifestyle from young. One way to increase your child’s activity level is to limit his or her screen time – this refers to time spent on watching television, playing video games or even hand-held games.
  • Inject a dose of physical activity into your child’s and family’s daily routine. When you make weekend plans for your family, include activities that get the whole family exercising!

Let’s smile bright!

Good oral hygiene starts from young, as early as at 6 months of age when the first tooth appears.

  • Build a toothbrushing routine from young. Supervised toothbrushing will help to ensure that your child learns the correct toothbrushing technique. Toothbrushing should be done twice a day; once in the morning and once at night before bedtime.
  • Your child is never too young to visit a dentist.  It is important to bring your child to the dentist, from as early as one year old.  This allows for familiarisation with dentist visits, and will allow the dentist the opportunity to educate you on proper oral care for your child.

Let’s fight myopia!

Good eye care habits can help prevent the onset and/ or delay the progression of myopia, commonly known as short-sightedness. Encourage your child to play outdoors in natural sunlight and open spaces.

  • Limit the amount of time spent on near work such as reading, writing or using the computer. Ensure such work is done in places with sufficient lighting and allow the child to take a break after 30 minutes.  Encourage the child to take a break and go outdoors and play!
  • Limit the amount of time spent on unnecessary near work such as handheld games, smart phones and computer games.

Let’s be positive!

Nurturing your child’s self-esteem is vital to raising a happier and healthier child.

  • Build rapport with your child right from the start. Let them know that they can always turn to you whenever they need someone to talk to.
  • Be generous with your praises and encouragement to your child. It will help build their confidence, and enhance their ability to cope with challenges in life.

Our children are always watching us.  So, remember to walk the talk and set a healthy example! For more information on how you can help your child cultivate a healthy lifestyle, log on to


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