Pregnancy and Maternity Rights in the Philippines


Pregnancy and Maternity Rights in the Philippines

If you are a working or a stay-at-home mom, your pregnancy entitles you some benefits and rights granted to you by law. Are you fully aware of your pregnancy and maternity rights? Check the list below.

You are entitled for:

  • Maternity leave during pregnancy that may extend for another month after pregnancy if had given birth by caesarean section
  • Health insurance coverage to help cover (wholly or in part) your hospital expenses after pregnancy and childbirth. If unemployed but remain an active member of SSS or PhilHealth, you may still be entitled to maternity benefits when you meet their qualifying conditions.
  • Resting areas and facilities in public and private premises to use during pregnancy
  • A breastfeeding station for breastfeeding moms
  • Breastfeeding in public is allowed but should be done discreetly
  • Breaks from work to breastfeed your child in designated lactation areas
  • Prenatal checkups and anytime you need to visit your doctor should you have an urgent problem relating to your pregnancy
  • Legal action against discrimination and unfair treatments in the workplace because of your pregnancy
  • Flexible working time and schedule depending on the company


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