Put Away First Rule

Institute a rule in your home where current toys have to be put away first before new toys are brought out. This rule goes a long way in...

Face paint.

When you have time for clean up afterwards, get out the face paint and paint the patterns or figures of your child's choice on her face. She can...

Get a trunk

Keep all your dress up props organized in a centralized location. A nice trunk with a safety feature for little fingers can serve as a storage container for...

Play Simon Says

Play a simple version of Simon Says with your toddler to encourage him to follow your directions. Give him an opportunity too to show you what to do.

Hurry hurts children

Make a habit of never rushing your child when he is trying to tell you something. Communicative pressure can turn normally non-fluent speech into the beginning stages of...

Camp out

Invest in a collapsible tunnel or tent through which your child can crawl. It will provide hours of fun that will encourage gross motor development.

Large beads

Now is a good time to give your child and opportunity to thread large beads. Not only does it encourage fine motor development, it also helps with color...

Take a long term view

Before getting anxious that your toddler isn't eating enough, ask yourself what she ate at the meal before this one. Her consumption of food during the previous day...

Heap on the praise

When your child shares on his own accord, praise him lavishly for his kindness. When he gets sweets or treats, ask him to share one or two with...

Have your own stash

If you are having particular difficulty in getting your child to share his toys with visitors, build up your own stash of visitor's toys. Let each child choose...

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