Eating for two: Before, during, after pregnancy


Pregnancy brings many new do’s and don’ts, must and must-not’s for would-be moms. One of the more common, albeit most diverse, is the pregnancy diet.

While eating healthy fare all throughout the nine-month period, as well as before and after pregnancy, are common knowledge, it doesn’t always translate to fully efficient, healthy lifestyles for some pregnant women. These are often caused by either misinformation, lack of information, or downright negligence.

The groundwork for eating healthy and right during pregnancy is this – the mother is now eating for two people, and therefore must increase food intake to meet this new demand. And because pregnancy is not just about feeding any person but a growing one at that, the quality that goes into every product that pregnant women ingest should be carefully watched as well.

Doctors can lay the basics of healthy diets during pregnancy, but dietitians go into full detail and can craft a complete day’s meal for pregnancy’s nutritional needs. If, however, mothers cannot consult dietitians for some reason, it is always safe to ask a little more detail from your doctor about the safest, best ways to prepare and eat during pregnancy.

For women who live with their families during pregnancy who find special pregnancy diets not economically wise, go for healthy options that the whole family can consume. Refraining from oily, fatty food, for instance, will be a benefit both to you and the rest of your family members. Going for the healthy choice will also save you money instead of preparing your own special pregnancy meal everyday aside from the family’s fare.

Beefing up on nutritious food during pregnancy may be easy or complicated depending on a mother’s circumstance and resources. Normally, doctors and dietitians would recommend low-fat, high-protein, -fiber, and -carbohydrate diets.

Women are also expected to refrain from processed food – canned viands, soda, chips, etc. and prepare organic, fresh food instead.

Taking supplements for fiber and calcium is also important during pregnancy. Fiber is essential for a more efficient body detoxification during pregnancy, as body wastes also increase during this period. Calcium, meanwhile, gives stronger bones for women for the extra weight they will be carrying throughout pregnancy.

Lack of information and misinformation about pregnancy diets can be filled up by consulting books from trusted nutritionists and dietitians. This is helpful especially because one cannot expect doctors to know every single thing you need to know about pregnancy diets. Helpful tips – such as healthier ways of preparing usual meals – can be found in self-help books. Beefing up on knowledge as much as on food is necessary during pregnancy to ensure you and your baby’s well-being.


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