Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 10

Pregnancy Week 10


Inside Your Body

This week is the beginning of the “fetal” period, during which all the tissues and organs develop and mature quickly. Your baby continues to grow rapidly inside you and is now about 4g and the size of a kumquat (3-4cm).  The development of brain, liver, intestines and kidneys stands out  during this time. Nails and hair begin to appear. Your baby’s limbs can bend and arms can flex. Brain development is very pronounced and your baby’s forehead becomes very prominent and looks disproportionately large. His/her eyes are covered by skin that will eventually split to form eyelids.  Baby teeth are forming below the gums.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your weight gain may not yet be very noticeable by week 10.  However, you may already not be able to fit into your regular clothes.  It is time to go shopping and purchase some maternity clothes. 

What Tests To Expect

If the following applies to you, your gynaecologist may be discussing with you on the various options for detecting genetic defects:

  1. Previous pregnancy with genetic abnormalities (like Down’s syndrome, Edward syndrome, Patau syndrome that are due to defective cell division).  Mothers who are going to have their first baby at age 35 year or older are at increased risk of giving birth to babies with Down’s syndrome. 
  2. Positive family history of genetic diseases (like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and Tay-Sachs disease)
  3. History of exposure to teratogens (like radiation, chemotherapy, acne medications)