Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 12

Pregnancy Week 12


Inside Your Body

Your baby has grown into an adorable human figure and is now 14g (doubled the weight in just one week) and 5.5-6cm long.  But your baby still needs to grow bigger and stronger.

Your placenta is now producing hormone and your baby is making digestive juices like bile. He/she is also showing reflexes and moving, albeit these movements are so faint that you hardly notice. Your baby’s kidneys are now producing and excreting urine that will increase amniotic fluid levels.  His/her bone marrow is making white blood cells (this is important for immunity) and hormones are developing. 

Your Signs And Symptoms

Hooray!  By this time, you will no longer complain of morning sickness especially if it is not your first baby.  Your tummy is expanding and it’s becoming evident.  If you have been keeping your baby a secret, you may not be able to hide it by now.  The good news is that if you’ve had a history of recurrent miscarriages, the chances are getting brighter that your pregnancy will be carried through to term.

You should have gained about 1.5-2.5kg.  It should be much easier to gain weight from now on as your morning sickness subsides.

What Tests To Expect

There are no specific tests required other than the standard tests at your doctor’s office if you are visiting this week:  blood pressure, urinalysis, weight gain, ultrasound for fetal movement, and swelling of your feet and hands.

If your doctor has arranged CVS tests for birth deformities, you may be doing it this week.