Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 13

Pregnancy Week 13


Your Signs And Symptoms

Congratulations, your complaints have largely subsided by this time and now you will be able to enjoy your meals more and, of course, your pregnancy more.  However, heartburn may continue to bug you throughout your pregnancy.  Because of the expanding uterus, you may experience abdominal pain and may get tired easily.  It’s time to rest and involve yourself in a hobby, like reading, writing or sewing like old school mothers.

As an average sized mother-to-be, you need to gain about 11-16kg during your pregnancy.  If you are expecting twins, you need to add another 7kg to that. 

However, most of the weight gain would be during 2nd and 3rd trimesters when your baby undergoes greatest growth.  You may not be expecting much weight gain up until now as your baby is still like a tiny seed/fruit/vegetable. If you have bad and persistent morning sickness, you can throw your weight gain out the window.  However, you should try to gain about 2 kg by this week from the start of your pregnancy. 

What Tests To Expect

There are no specific tests required this week other than the standard tests at your doctor’s office:  blood pressure, urinalysis to test for protein and sugar levels, weight gain, ultrasound for fetal movement, measuring the height of the fundus, and swelling of your feet and hands.

If your doctor has arranged CVS tests for birth deformities, you may be doing it this week.