Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 17

Pregnancy Week 17


Inside Your Body

If you think you are gaining weight rapidly, your baby is doing the same and more.  Your baby is now a whopping 12.5cm and weighs about 140g.  He/she needs sufficient nutrients to support their growth and development.  Fat begins to deposit underneath your baby’s skin, which helps with heat generation and all reflexes are working. Your baby is advancing his/her sucking and swallowing skills, and even makes adorable funny faces.  From this period onwards, all the systems are going to get more mature and independent and weight and length is going to increase dramatically.

Your Signs And Symptoms

As your uterus grows, you may feel less urge to urinate.  Your blood volume is increasing to support the growth of your baby, as such, you may experience nose bleeds or your veins may become more prominent.  Your appetite should be picking up as your uterus grows in size.

You may also be getting some vaginal discharge that is whitish.  Don’t worry as this is normal.  This substance protects the birth canal from infection.

You may also become more forgetful as you will lose brain cells during pregnancy.  But don’t worry, you will regain them after your baby is born.


Exercising during pregnancy can help you tremendously.  It can help to improve your health, reduce risks of diabetes, build up your strength and stamina for carrying your baby, strengthens your cardiovascular system, help you sleep more soundly, relieves constipation, backaches, and leg cramps, and it can even help with morale and reduce stress.  You would also likely to get back to your wardrobe earlier after your baby arrives.