Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 20

Pregnancy Week 20


Inside Your Body

During this week, you may be able to notice your baby moving and kicking inside your womb.  After all, your baby is about 16.5cm and weighs 280g.  It is a wonderful feeling when you can actually feel life inside you.  If your baby is a girl, her uterus is now fully developed, and her vaginal canal will start to form.  If you are expecting a boy, then his testicles will also start coming down to its final position.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your breathing is becoming heavier and you may be perspiring more because your hormones are making you hot.  You are also at greater risk of bladder infection as your urinary tract muscles relax.

Your shoes may not fit so well anymore as your feet swells up through water retention and excessive weight gain.  Your feet may also grow larger because your ligaments in your feet may loosen.  

What Tests To Expect

Your gynaecologist may be able to determine the sex of your baby through an ultrasound scan if not already.  It will be easier to determine over time and less risk of false readings as your baby’s genitals become more developed.