Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 21

Pregnancy Week 21


Inside Your Body

Your baby is now almost 18cm and weighs about 310g.  Your baby’s organs and organ systems continue to develop:  his/her heart becomes stronger and is pumping more blood to the body; his/her eyelids and eyelashes are forming; the upper and lower limbs finally lengthens to their rightful size in proportion to the rest of the body; and he/she may even be able to taste the food you are eating.  His/her bones are also developing.

Your Signs And Symptoms

After 20 weeks, it is possible for you to experience premature labor pains and, in certain cases, development of contractions of your uterus muscles that may initiate labor.  If labor occurs, the contractions will cause the opening and widening of the birth-canal, from which your baby is delivered through the vagina.   So go to the emergency room right away.  The doctors can try to control the contractions by using medications and steroids would be given to you to hasten the baby’s lung maturation, so that, in case the baby is born, he/she would not suffer from respiratory problems.


If you are considering having a holiday before your baby arrives, then you should think about doing it soon, before you get too big and less mobile.  You may not want to waddle your way through your holiday.  Furthermore, as you get closer to the big day, some airlines have strict rules on pregnant women flying.  Choose somewhere where you can seek good medical help if you need to and try not to holiday alone.  Cruises are relaxing but may not be advisable to be stuck in the middle of the ocean should you need medical help, nor is it a good idea to be on a boat as it is easier to lose your balance and fall.  Definitely, you should not go on skiing and scuba diving trips.  Avoid high altitude places as you need to adjust to the thinner air, which is tougher for baby and you.  Remember to ask for help regarding luggage, and don’t try to put your cabin luggage in the overhead compartment.  It is not the time to show you are a superwoman.