Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 22

Pregnancy Week 22


Inside Your Body

Your baby is now 19cm and weighs over 400g.  Your baby is now having a lot of activities in your tummy like sucking her thumb, gulping down amniotic fluids, and somersaulting, but her favourite hobby is still sleeping.  It is said that babies take enough sleep during pregnancy, that’s why they stay up after birth and keeps you awake.

Your baby’s senses of touch, sight, hearing, and taste continue to develop.  He/she could potentially hear you talk and the surrounding sound.  So talk nicely and bring on soothing music.

Your Signs And Symptoms

You might continue to feel cramping in your legs and your feet and legs swelling.  Your heart rate may be pounding more rapidly.  There may be increased vaginal discharge.  Constipation and heartburn continues.  Your gums and your teeth continue to be sensitive and may still be bleeding.  But you are feeling more energetic and your appetite continues to be good.  Your belly button may be popping out.


Every expectant mother feels differently.  Some may be very frisky and some may not feel like it most of the time or all of the time.  Which are you?  If you are feeling frisky, then the good news is that your libido may be on a high.  There are many things that make sex more fun, or at least different:  your orgasms will last longer, your breasts are much larger, and you may be “wetter”.   Although it is generally safe to have sex while pregnant, you need to watch out if you experience persistent bleeding or abdominal pains.  If you are having a high risk pregnancy, your doctor may order abstinence for you.