Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 23

Pregnancy Week 23


Inside Your Body

Your baby is now over 20cm long and his/her weight has reached over 450g.   Your baby’s skin is a bit loose as the skin is growing faster than the fat can fill.  However, his/her fat will build up quickly and your baby will become a chubby one very quickly over the next few weeks, so much so that his/her skin will become less translucent.  At present, you can still see your baby’s organs and bones through the skin.  Your baby’s veins and arteries continue to develop rapidly.

Your Signs And Symptoms

By this time you have gained good enough weight that will show up on your figure.  No more secrets!  The extra weight may cause extra strain on your back and you may experience backache. Don’t worry, it is not permanent.  Once you deliver your baby, it will all be gone. Some women, due to extra weight gain and lack of adaptation, may develop swelling in their feet and legs.

Baby Movements

From now to the end of the 2nd trimester, your uterus is still providing your baby sufficient room to manoeuvre in and do somersaults, so your baby’s position can change each hour and he/she could be kicking you anywhere.  In some places, it could even be painful.  But you will probably welcome those kicks as it brings you closer to his/her little life.  But when your baby gets bigger and starts filling up the space in your uterus, he/she will have less room to move.

Your baby will react to your own activities, your mood, and even your food intake.  When you are walking or moving at a slow pace, your baby is likely to be less active as he/she is lulled to sleep.  And if you are in an excitable mood, your adrenaline will also get your baby up and be more active.  Some babies are more active than others, so don’t worry if your friend who is also expecting is feeling more activity.  Just monitor unusual changes in movements.