Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 25

Pregnancy Week 25


Inside Your Body

Your baby is now 23cm and weighs 680g.  He/she is developing blood vessels in his/her lungs and his/her spine and joints, as well as ligaments.  Your baby’s nostrils will also start to open and his/her vocal cords are fully functioning.  So your baby is getting ready for his/her first cry and first smell when he/she is born.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your uterus is growing bigger and bigger and you may be widening in shape.  You may still be feeling constipation, heartburn, and indigestion, and backache.  You are also at greater risk of developing hemorrhoids as your blood volume increases.

What Tests To Expect

If you did not do a Glucose Tolerance Test yet, you may be doing it this week.  Good luck!