Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 27

Pregnancy Week 27


Inside Your Body

Your baby will be approximately 25cm and weighs almost 1 kg.  During this period,your baby’s eyelids will begin to open and he/she will be developing the retina, and getting ready to see. However, there isn’t much colouring in the eyes as yet, so you can’t tell the colour of your baby’s eyes at this stage.  Your baby’s brain reflexes are also developing and his/her lungs will further mature. Your baby may be sucking his/her thumb as muscle coordination improves.  Sucking will help strengthen his/her jaws and cheeks.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your uterus is well above your belly button and expanding to your ribs.  As such, you may experience sudden shortness of breath and stretch marks may start appearing.  This is not serious and does not warrant any treatment. Your breathing will get better in a few weeks as your baby settles into your pelvis. After your baby descends, most of your backache complaints and breathing issues will be over.

What Tests To Expect

No specific tests are required other than the standard tests at your doctor’s office if you are visiting this week:  blood pressure, urinalysis to test for protein and sugar levels, weight gain, ultrasound for fetal movement, measuring the height of the fundus, and swelling of your feet and hands.