Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 29

Pregnancy Week 29


Inside Your Body

Your baby is growing well, weighing about 1.25kg and is 40cm tall.  His/her height will grow modestly from here on to term (about 50cm by week 40) but the biggest growth will be in your baby’s weight (and your weight too), as he/she is expected to be about 2.7-4kg at term. 

Your baby’s sensesand brain circuits are all developed. This means they can hear you and will be able to recognize your voice, as well as distinguish natural sunlight from artificial light.  What a clever little one your baby has become.  Your baby’s breathing is now established and his/herbrain is learning to control his/her body temperature independent of outside temperature.As the brain takes over the function of body temperature gauge and heat generation, your baby will start shedding the furry hair (lanugo) on his/her body so your baby will have smooth soft baby skin instead of looking like a hairy ape by birth. Your baby is also preparing for the big day. 

Your Signs And Symptoms

As your baby concentrates on building up the fat, you are gaining weight and should have gained about 8.5 – 11 kg if you are of average build.  Your uterus is about 9-10cm above your navel and feeling heavier and heavier.  You may also be getting excited or anxious about labor and delivery.  Watch out for varicose veins and their development.  They may get worse and should be treated asap. Your heatburn may worsen as there is less room for your digestive organs to function normally.

Selecting Your Paediatrician

Your baby’s paediatrician will become part of your family after your baby is born, as you will be seeing him/her very often for the first formative years of your baby’s life.  He/she will be monitoring your baby’s growth, so you need someone you feel comfortable with (bedside manner) and trust professionally.  Selecting your paediatrician is very similar to selecting your gynaecologist in many ways.  See article 6.  You should try to decide early and include your paediatrician as part of your birth plan as it is good to have him/her in the delivery room and to care for the baby from birth, rather than use one provided by the hospital.