Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 32

Pregnancy Week 32


Inside Your Body

Your baby is now 47cm tall and weighs 1.8kg.  Your baby’s skin is no longer transparent and her skin is just like yours, but softer.  As your baby’s organs, systems, reflexes, senses etc are all developed, he/she is learning to use them e.g. breathing, sucking, swallowing, blinking, flexing limbs, yawning etc.  Soon you will be able to see it for yourself how your little one is exploring life with the wonders of his/her body.

Your Signs And Symptoms

By the end of this week, your uterus will be about 11.5cm above your navel and your complaints might worsen. Your uterus is preparing itself for delivery and its Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming stronger with every passing day.  If a contraction is very strong, it may decrease the blood supply to your baby. But your baby is developed enough to respond to this type of stress.

Your baby will constantly move around in your tummy (unless he/she is sleeping) as there is still enough space for him/her for the time being.  But this won’t be for much longer, when you and your baby will be gaining a lot of extra kilograms, your baby will slow down too. So enjoy her little karate while you can.

What Tests To Expect

During this week’s visit, your doctor might do a blood test to check for signs of anaemia.  If you are anaemic, you will be prescribed some iron supplement, which will increase your red blood cells and help you feel less tired.  Some women feel nauseous when they take these supplements.  If this applies to you, let your doctor know as he/she could change the brand to one that is more suitable to you.