Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 35

Pregnancy Week 35


Inside Your Body

Your baby is pretty big by now at 2.5kg and has reached its full length for delivery at 50cm.  There is possibly not much space for him/her to carry out his/her little adventures.  Your baby may also have descended into the cervix by now.  The cervix is an organ that will form part of the birth canal for the easy passage of your baby through your vagina.  But sometimes, the descent may happen in the following weeks.  Your baby’s lungs are pretty much prepared and fat has now accumulated in his/her legs, arms and face – getting chubbier and cuter by the week.  However, your baby still doesn’t have enough fat to regulate his/her body temperature.  Lots of brain cells are also developing in your baby too.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your ligaments have already stretched enough to broaden your hipbones to accommodate the baby and your cervix has thinned out enough to provide more space for the passenger.  Your baby can get drop into the birth canal any time now.  However, labor will not progress until your cervix opens and get dilated.  Your total weight gain by the end of this week is around 13.5kg, give and take a few kg and dependent on your normal weight.  You may be having more and more trouble sleeping.  You may also notice that you have an itchy rash on your stomach or around your thighs and where stretchmarks may appear.  This could be pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP).  Although it can be irritating, there is no risk to you or your baby.

What Tests To Expect

You may be tested for Group B streptococcus bacteria this week or in the next few weeks.  It is a simple test using a swab like Pap smear.  This bacteria stays around the vagina and can lead to infections that are very harmful to your baby and even threaten his/her life.  It can also cause other problems in your baby, such as mental retardation, hearing and vision loss or impairment.