Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 36

Pregnancy Week 36


Inside Your Body

Your baby is slowing down in its height growth but going full steam ahead with a growth spurt in terms of weight.  Your baby is still about 50cm and weighs 2.7kg.  Your baby is developing his/her gums and firm ridges.  However, no teething will occur until your baby is at least 3.5 months old.  Your baby could be in position by now, i.e. head down towards the cervix and dropping lower in your stomach.  His/her brain continues to develop cells and connect them vigorously.  As there is less room and less fluid, your baby’s movement may be more subtle.

Your Signs And Symptoms

During this period you will be feeling lighter, as your big bag will be descending, termed as lightening.  This will ease your breathing and feeling of heaviness after each meal but since the baby is directly lying on your bladder, more time of yours will be spent in the bathroom than in the bedroom. As your baby drops lower, you may become clumsier and lose your balance.  You might find yourself waddling like a duck.  Your weight gain should be slowing down

What Tests To Expect

As the due date is getting closer, your gynaecologist may be seeing you on a weekly basis to monitor the progress of your baby, especially the positioning, and your cervix.  You will still undergo the routine tests: blood pressure, weight, urinalysis, height of the fundus and an ultrasound to check the fetal heart beat.