Home Life Stages Pregnancy Week 9

Pregnancy Week 9


Inside Your Body

How exciting!  It is week 9 and your baby now weighs 2g and measures the size of a grape (2.5-3cm).  Your baby is starting to look more and more like a human being as his/her facial features and limbs develop and grow.

At this time:

  • All the limbs have developed
  • Your baby is forming his/her muscles
  • Your baby’s heart is functioning and has 4 chambers
  • The eyes are formed but eyelids remain shut
  • External sex organs are forming but are not yet distinguishable
  • Your baby’s bones are developing
  • The placenta is fully developed and has taken over the function of hormone synthesis to hold the pregnancy together

Your baby’s movements are now more apparent and may be detectable in an ultrasound but you may not be able to physically feel it yet.  You may be able to hear your baby’s heart beating with a Doppler.

Your Signs And Symptoms

Your uterus continues to grow and your waistline is slowly widening.  All the pregnancy symptoms may be active e.g. morning sickness, bloating, mood swings, food aversions or cravings, indigestion, heartburn etc.  Make sure your husband is around to buy for you the cravings you may have in the middle of the night.

What Tests To Expect

There are no specific tests required other than the standard tests at your doctor’s office if you are visiting this week:  blood pressure, urinalysis, weight gain, ultrasound for fetal movement, and swelling of your feet and hands.