Home Life Stages Preschooler Week 16

Preschooler Week 16


Importance Of Muscle Tone

Low muscle tone occurs on a continuum in affected children. Some children may have mild low muscle tone, while others are severely affected. It is important to seek professional help from a physical therapist or an occupational therapist if you suspect that your child has low muscle tone. Here are some symptoms that frequently occur with low muscle tone in children:

  • Continual clumsiness;
  • Slouched posture;
  • Speech problems;
  • Fingers and limbs can bend beyond typical range;
  • Coordination problems;
  • Muscle weakness compared to typically developing children.                                                                                                                                       

Even typically developing children need to have frequent physical exercise to keep their muscles well toned and build muscular strength. Here are some activities to do with children to build up muscle tone and strength:

  • Swimming is an excellent way to build muscle tone since a child has to move against the current.
  • Pushing or pulling slightly heavy objects such as a play wagon filled with wooden blocks can help improve muscle tone.
  • When your child is sitting on a chair, make sure that his or her feet touch the ground. This helps with postural control.
  • Do activities where your kids have to reach for objects. Tell a story on a felt board with the pieces just out of their reach, during which you should encourage them to stretch out and reach for them.
  • Make an obstacle course in your home and encourage your child to climb over and under furniture and blankets. Observe the necessary safety precautions though.
  • Encourage your kids to climb onto and explore playground equipment like jungle gyms and ladders.
  • Encourage them to carry slightly heavy items such as grocery bags into the house. Allow them to pack some of the groceries away.                                                                                                                                         

Improved muscle tone will help your kids cope with the demands of learning in the early grades. Appropriate muscle tone, in turn, aids in proper coordination, good posture and the development of fine motor skills.