Home Life Stages Preschooler Week 37

Preschooler Week 37



At this age, majority of children will have learned how to use the toilet on their own. It’s a milestone every parent would indeed be very proud of. No more diapers means saving money and more room inside bags when traveling!

Although potty-trained toddlers will generally know what to do in the toilet, it is not uncommon either to still encounter toilet accidents especially when you’re out of the house (and out of their comfort zones). Mommies would therefore do better to bring an extra set of changing clothes when out of the house.

After using the potty, many children will need assistance in pulling the toilet paper off the tube, wiping their bottoms and even putting their pants back on. To make these easier for them, make your bathroom family-friendly with appropriate items that would gradually build their sense of autonomy.  For example, have a child-sized stool so your child can get up to the sink and wash hands afterward.  Be sure the soap is also close by so he or she can reach it easily. Remind your child how to wash his or her hands well to get rid of all the germs. Have a towel handy for drying off too. Compliment your child for following this routine well.

When your child does encounter an accident, be patient instead of scolding or yelling. Clean up the mess together, all the while reminding your child how to do things the right way. When all of my children were young, they would get so engrossed in their playtime that they would “forget” to use the potty. We would talk about what happened, wash up, get some clean clothes, and try to do better next time.

If this happens to your child, remind them throughout the day to use the bathroom. Create a sticker chart if more encouragement is needed. Don’t forget to give them simple rewards for following instructions! A trip to the park would be fun, but an ice cream treat would be even better! Make it a point to show your child that his or her efforts are appreciated!