Home Life Stages Preschooler Week 54

Preschooler Week 54


Tag, You

Children four years of age are at their most active. Four-year-olds will already have developed a certain degree of independence by this time, and they would most likely shun constant adult supervision as a result. However, knowing where to channel all their energy would still require a fair amount of adult supervision.

This same concept applies when playing games. Active though they may be, kids would still want to exercise their choice over what games to play and what to simply watch from the sidelines. This does not mean though that in physically intense games such as tag, adult supervision is not needed anymore.

Playing tag is one of those games kids bursting with energy would love to play. For your part, you can encourage your kids to play more of this active game with their peers without appearing too pushy and giving them the freedom they want.

As an adult, it is your responsibility to explain the rules to them very well. Go into detail about the goals, methods, and system they need to follow to play the game properly. In the case of tag, an “it” person attempts to tag another by touch, at which time the other person becomes the “it” one until he or she could tag another.

You can also introduce variations of the game to make it more interesting. When my children were four years old, they enjoyed playing Freeze Tag. In our version of Freeze Tag, whoever was “it” had to tag their friends as usual, but this time the tagged friend has to freeze or stand still. In order to be free again, another friend would have to crawl through that person’s legs. The kids would always giggle whenever someone tried to squeeze underneath! Needless to say, everyone had so much fun!

You can make your own improvisations on the game or allow your children to make their own. You will still need to supervise them though to prevent any injuries as the game gets more physical. Always encourage sportsmanship and praise your kids for a well-played game at the end of each day.