Home Life Stages Toddler Week 34

Toddler Week 34


Hobbies For Mom

Dr. Donald Winnicott is credited for coining the  term ‘good enough mother.’ He believed that for adults to engage in a creative hobby is akin to what play is for children. A creative hobby can give mothers a creative outlet for their emotions, ideas and thoughts and help them to structure their inner worlds.

I have realized the truth behind this in parenting my four children. At first I believed that I wouldn’t be able to continue with old hobbies or start with new ones because my toddlers will be into everything and destroy what I was trying to do. That was until I actually tried doing mosaics and cross-stitch with them around. I was surprised to learn that if I channeled their interest in the right direction and provide them with appropriate similar materials; they can keep themselves busy along side me for extended periods of time. Here are some practical tips on how to engage in a hobby in spite of having a toddler around:

  • Choose flexible projects – I prefer mosaics and cross-stitch because I could leave whatever I was doing at a moment’s notice and come back to it whenever I needed.
  • Keep all materials on a high surface – When I am in the middle of a project, I designate a corner of the kitchen or a section of the dining room table especially for that project. This means that no matter long it takes me to finish the project, I don’t have to unpack or put away the materials countless times. If you don’t have enough space, you can try a crate that is easy to open. Make sure that you can be working in no time if you have a few minutes to spare.
  • Invest in toddler versions of your tools – I made sure my toddlers had some safe tiles, shells, rocks and other materials to experiment with while I did my project. I gave each a little piece of hardboard and they arranged their treasures to their heart’s content. I got something done that was important to me, and they had a sensory rich experience.
  • Keep messy or dangerous work for yourself– I made sure that I did the chipping and grouting in mosaics when my toddlers weren’t around.                                                                                                                                    

Here are some other hobbies for moms with toddlers to consider: quilting, crochet, drawing, polymer clay and gourmet cooking.