Home Life Stages Toddler Week 50

Toddler Week 50


Playing With Others

Social skills development is starting to form now and although your child may be only observing other children play, or playing beside a friend instead of .with. him, the time spent with other children is still very valuable. During playgroups, try to createtry to set-up an activity that incorporateswith a few children sitting together in one area. Perhaps they are coloring at the table, building towers with blocks or playing with musical instruments on the carpet. Activities such as these allow children to feel comfortable playing nearwith friends. Eventually, such parallel play will turn into interactive play and that is when the fun really starts!

During this developmental time it is normal for children to grab toys from each other. However, so expect it but use theose instances as a chance times to talk about sharing, taking turns and how friends play together. As social skills improve your child will begin to play with toys
while having interactions with the friends around her.

Parents usually need to help in teaching their children how to use their words appropriately while playing with friends. For example, when your child wants to play with a toy another child is playing with, ask direct her to say, ask the friend May I please play with the toy when you are done? If a friend hits your child, teach her to say, No hitting, I dont like it. Teaching her how to use her words during social interactions will give her the encouragement and confidence to play with friends. Teachable moments such as these are fabulous times to demonstrate how to use manners and words when playing with others.