Home Life Stages Toddler Week 96

Toddler Week 96


Tantrum Busters

Toddler tantrums can be a terrifying experience not only for a child but also for a parent. If you experience frequent tantrums or if the outbursts are increasing in intensity, it may be time to ask some questions about the causes and possible solutions to your child’s behavior. You can consider the following when dealing with toddler tantrums:

  • Do the tantrums occur when your child is over stimulated? Toddler’s neurological systems are not as advanced as those of adults thus they need frequent down time to process all the sensory information that they receive on a daily basis. Make sure that there is enough time for quiet activities after events that contained lots of stimulation.
  • Is she frustrated because she can’t express herself? Some toddlers are more adept at expressing their feelings than others. Provide her with an emotional vocabulary so she can express her feelings more clearly. Talk to her about your own feelings and model an appropriate way to express anger and frustration.
  • Are you consistent in the way you deal with tantrums? Inconsistency on the parent’s part is one of the biggest reasons why toddler tantrums happen over and over again. It is tough to be consistent in dealing with tantrums all the time, but well worth your while. If she’s uncertain about her boundaries, she will continually try to test it.
  • Are there other physical factors that play a role in her tantrums? Toddlers need snacks between meals to keep their blood sugar levels even and naps to help them to pace themselves through the day. Make sure that your child is not cranky due to low blood sugar levels and exhaustion.
  •  Have you validated her feelings? Toddlers throw tantrums to express intense emotions. You can help handle  the situation by validating her feelings, while placing boundaries on her behavior. She needs to learn that it is okay to feel angry, frustrated or mad, but that there is an appropriate way to express those feelings.                                                                                                                      

The good news is that like any other phase in your child’s development, tantrums will pass! As your toddler grows into the preschool years and she gets negative feedback from her friends and teachers because of her tantrums, she will slowly learn more acceptable ways to express her feelings and assert her will.