Teaching your Preschool Child the Right Manners

Most young children, especially those in preschool, believe that the world revolves around them. As good manners do not come naturally to young children, parents and educators are...

Amniocentesis as a Precautionary Measure During Pregnancy

Every parent hopes for the best for their baby. However, there are times when pregnancy problems begin to be a cause of worry. In this day of modern...

Two is not a Crowd-Dealing with Twin Pregnancy

While twin pregnancy means double happiness for most expecting parents, it can't be helped but feel a little nervous and uneasy knowing that you're carrying two babies at...

Breastfeed vs. Artificial: What is Good for your Baby?

Deciding whether to breastfeed your baby or not has long been the dilemma of mothers most especially for working moms out there. Comparing the benefits of both will...

Teach your Preschool the High Tech Way

In this modern age of the computer and Internet calls for new and innovative ways of educating your preschool through different software and electronic games. In order to...

Introducing your Newborn to your Toddler

Having a new baby in the house is a very joyful moment for every family. But if you already have a toddler, introducing the newest member of the...

Chores that you Should Avoid which may Affect your Pregnancy

  Pregnancy brings in a lot of changes in the mom’s body that affect her daily activities. Her nesting instincts may go on overdrive to ensure a healthy environment...

More than just Baby Talks- Learn what They Really Need

Since your baby doesn't yet communicate in the manner you understand, it is important to understand the signs your baby makes in order to properly assess his/her feelings...

More than just a summer activity

More often than not, parents view Kumon as a mere summer program--something to keep their children occupied while school is out. Although Kumon is a good way to...

Make summer worthwhile with Kumon!

In this competitive and fast-paced world, we don't want our children to be left behind. Parents of children as young as three or four are already concerned about...

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