Babies learn whom to trust at early age: Study

Babies are seen to be innocent and adults tend to fool them a lot, but according to a new Canadian study, you can fool them once, but babies...

When Baby is Clingy: Tips on How to Handle Separation Anxiety

Most of the parents I know experienced these scenarios: You need to re-enter the workforce after years of being a housewife and a full-time mother. The day came when...

7 to 9 months

 At 7 months   Your baby is ready to begin moving around the house so start putting away potential hazards now! It's a good idea to warn the grandparents and...

Keeping it Clean: Things you Should Know about Baby Hygiene

Babies are sensitive and susceptible on getting germs and bacteria from its surroundings so it is important to maintain clean surroundings and use the right baby products to...

After Maternity Leave.. of the most immediate concern for a mom returning to work is "where should I put my infant?".There are a lot of choices now and each brings...

Working Before and After Pregnancy – Can It Work?

Pregnancy entails a lot of responsibility especially for "working soon to be moms" who have to adjust to this new phase in their lives. It is important to...

Obesity Among 7-Year Olds Poses Higher Asthma Risks

A new study reveals that kids who are obese or overweight during the early part of their childhood face a higher risk of experiencing asthma at the age...

Will you show your breast in public?

I breastfed my son for only 4 months since I need to go back to work as soon as possible and my supply of milk stopped because I...

Your newborn’s senses

Newborns never cease to make humans wonder at the miracle of nature. These little bundles of joy come into the world seemingly helpless and defenseless. Many wonder whether...

Fine Art Appreciation for Kids

As children growing up, most adults were not exposed to fine art or any art at all. The word is relegated to school projects and easy grades. Hence,...

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