Growing Up Happy and Healthy!

Healthy habits formed from young help your child grow up fit and healthy.  Besides eating well, there are other health habits which you should inculcate in your child from...

Protecting Preschool Kids from Bad Websites

Normally, kids who are at their preschool age want to play with other kids as well. Most of the time, they crave interactive and cooperative play which is...

Action Speaks Louder than Words: Understand your Baby’s Body Language

Since babies can't talk, they communicate through their actions. So it is important for you to know and understand what your baby's trying to tell you through his...

Will you show your breast in public?

I breastfed my son for only 4 months since I need to go back to work as soon as possible and my supply of milk stopped because I...

Dealing with Child’s Hearing Loss or Impairment

By Ma. Yvette Heart Calimlim Hearing is one of the important sensory organ that we have and a child’s ability to hear and speak is essential for their emotional, educational...

Breastfeed vs. Artificial: What is Good for your Baby?

Deciding whether to breastfeed your baby or not has long been the dilemma of mothers most especially for working moms out there. Comparing the benefits of both will...

Bond with your Toddler: Pamper them once in a while

It's healthy to take a break from parenting once in a while and bond with your toddler. After all, kids will always be kids and having fun is...

THE POWER OF PLAY: Enhancing Your Child’s Social & Cognitive Development

Opportunities to play are really opportunities to learn. During play children learn and practice social skills, develop cognitive abilities like problem solving, and refine language skills. Renowned psychologist,...

New link found between diet of pregnant mother and chances of...

Scientists have uncovered the link between a mother’s nutrition during her pregnancy and her child’s risk to be obese. The international study led by researchers from the University...

Cutting that first tooth

The normal process of teething (the eruption of teeth through the gums) involves the swelling of gums, pain and irritations. It will happen throughout the first few years...

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