10 Things You Should Know About the SSS Maternity Benefit

During the first quarter of the year, moms and expectant moms alike rejoiced when the Expanded Maternity Law was implemented. We all know about the increase in the...

Quick Guide To Child Development (0 to 5 years)

When women get pregnant for the first time, we usually subscribe to an app that gives weekly or monthly updates of our baby’s development in our wombs. Some...

This Travel Gear Is A Must-Have For Your Kids

Holiday season is upon us once again! One of the many things we look forward to is hitting the road with the family. Be it to take in...

Co-Parenting Benefits: 5 Things You & Your Partner Should Know

I grew up in a broken family and after my parents separated, my sister and I were left to be taken care of by my grandmother. Let me...

Polio Outbreak: What You Need to Know

September 19, 2019, noong idineklara ang polio outbreak sa Pilipinas, 19 years matapos ang huling kaso nito sa bansa. Ang dalawang kaso na nai-report ay parehong dala ng...

The Truth about “Bigkis”

Most of us have probably heard of bigkis from our parents or grandparents as one of those hand-me-down age old beliefs in infant care. What we probably do...

Spread gentleness with every purchase of JOHNSON’S® products in Mercury Drug...

Manila, Philippines - Following the brand’s biggest re-launch to-date and its movement of rallying parents to choose only the gentlest products for their babies and kids, JOHNSON’S® teams...

Umbilical Hernia in Babies: What is it and when is it...

Making sure that the umbilical cord stump heals without any problem or infection is one of the biggest milestones parents are always anxious to cross off their list....

Delivering Malaya – My Accidental Home Birth Story

I gave birth to our second daughter at home. Here’s how her birthing became proof of how much she embodies her name 😅

8 Breastfeeding Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know

Hello, fellow breastfeeding mommas! We would like to honor you this Breastfeeding Month for the unconditional love you’re showing to your little ones. Breastfeeding may have caused us pain...

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