Make your home safe for baby

If there is one thing that all babies share, it is that they grow up very quickly. Your helpless little angel is soon going to grow into a...

4 months to 6 months

At 4 months   Your baby will soon be amazing you with his/ her developing language skills. Yes, those chuckling, sputtering, blubbering sounds are actually precursors for speech! So keep...

7 to 9 months

 At 7 months   Your baby is ready to begin moving around the house so start putting away potential hazards now! It's a good idea to warn the grandparents and...

10 to 12 months

At 10 months   You must often pause to wonder how energetic a 10-month-old can be. If your baby still hasn't tried to walk yet, relax. Many children are only...

Baby Essentials

The first few weeks after baby arrives will be the busiest in your life. So it's good to plan early and shop for baby essentials at least a...

Cutting that first tooth

The normal process of teething (the eruption of teeth through the gums) involves the swelling of gums, pain and irritations. It will happen throughout the first few years...

Your newborn’s senses

Newborns never cease to make humans wonder at the miracle of nature. These little bundles of joy come into the world seemingly helpless and defenseless. Many wonder whether...

Labor Day

Did you know that labor starts even before your water bag bursts? In fact in more than three out of four pregnancies, it's the obstetrician who breaks the...

Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns Depend on you

Establishing good sleep habits for a lifetimeEveryone knows that sleepless nights come hand-in-hand with parenthood. Sometimes, this improves after baby's first birthday. Sometimes, it doesn't. You may think...

Banking on Your Child`s Future with CordLife

For many years, traditional childbirth has been limited to simply delivering a baby, whether it is through natural childbirth or a Caesarian section. Now, experts have found ways...

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