Preschooler Week 7

SortingYoung children have an innate desire to make sense of their world, and sorting activities provide them with an opportunity to do this in a way they can...

Preschooler Week 71

A Storyline Created By Me!Why would you want to “read” a wordless book with your four-year old?  I’ve heard parents say in the past that wordless books are...

Toddler Week 101

CuriosityAlbert Einstein once said: ‘I have not special talents, I’m only passionately curious.’ One of the greatest scientists of all time shares that trait with all three year...

Toddler Week 16

Perpetual TeethingAs a rule of thumb, your child will get four new teeth every six months, and by the time your child turns two or three, he or...

Preschooler Week 30

Cutting Power!As young children grow, they start learning to coordinate their large muscles first before attempting to move their small muscles with as much dexterity. This means they...

Preschooler Week 62

I Can Do It Myself! Let Me Try!Your four year old child probably wants to do everything herself these days, right?  She is not “little” anymore, in...

Pregnancy Week 13

Your Signs And SymptomsCongratulations, your complaints have largely subsided by this time and now you will be able to enjoy your meals more and, of course, your pregnancy...

Toddler Week 17

Development SpurtsHow easy it would have been if all children developed at exactly the same pace! You would never have to wonder  if your child’s actions are appropriate...

Baby Week 27

Motor Skills, Cognition And Language/communicationYour baby is 27 weeks old today!  Is he rolling all over the floor and getting his arms and legs under everything?  I remember...

Baby Week 7

Colic And MassageYour baby is 7 weeks old today!  Can you believe he is almost two months old?   Many of the developments you are seeing this week are...

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