Pregnancy Week 9

Inside Your BodyHow exciting!  It is week 9 and your baby now weighs 2g and measures the size of a grape (2.5-3cm).  Your baby is starting to look...

Pregnancy Week 4

Inside Your BodyYour body is like a madhouse as many things are happening this week with some changes continuing into the next few weeks. Firstly, your sweet blastocyst has...

Pregnancy Week 5

Inside Your Body    By the end of week 5, your embryo will be the size of a sesame seed and will have 3 layers.  All of your...

Pregnancy Week 6

Inside Your BodyYour baby continues to develop quickly. It is now the size of a lentil.  This week is marked by the rapid development of a number of...

Pre Pregnancy

How Do You Get Pregnant?   In today’s fast paced society and busy lifestyles – with women working long hours and both men women travelling for business, getting pregnant...

Pregnancy Week 3

Inside Your Body   Congratulations!  You have successfully conceived.  Technically speaking, your egg has successfully met its sperm “mate”, hence, your zygote (fertilised egg) will undergo the beginning of...

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