Massive Boxes Can Be Anything

Go to an appliance store and ask the employees to save you a giant box. Have your child paint the box and make it into whatever they...

Flashlight Fun

Spread a sheet over some chairs or a table and give your child a flashlight. Adding light to your child's dramatic play brings in a new element...

How Can We Get From Here To There?

When walking somewhere with your child add some variety by having him hop, jog, or march instead of walk. The walk is more interesting and he's getting...

What to Wear Today?

If mornings are especially hectic, work together to choose your child's clothing the night before. Set them on the dresser or on the edge of the bed...

Take A Picture Walk

Choose a brand new book for your child. Before you read the story take a "Picture Walk". Look at the pictures first, then begin reading. ...

Tell Me A Story

Make up a story that you tell orally to your child. Use your child's name as the main character in the story. Begin telling the story...

I’m Going On Vacation

Play "I'm Going on Vacation" with you child. Say that you are going on vacation and you are going to take your toothbrush. Your child then...

Make Your Own Memory Game

Using photographs that have taken make your own memory game. Glue matching photographs on index cards in sets of two. Then turn them upside down and...

What’s Missing?

Lay about six objects on a blanket. Have your child look at all the objects. Then have your child close his eyes as you remove one...

Matching and Counting Using a Deck of Cards

Using a deck of cards (Minus the face cards) and some manipulatives (small objects) have your child practice his number sense. Your child chooses a card and...

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