Teaching Preschool Kids the Meaning of Independence

June 12 is a special day to celebrate as a united and free nation. How can you turn this day a patriotic event with the whole family, especially...

The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant – Thoughts From...

"Every parent will say that the day their baby is born is momentous for them no matter if it is their first or their tenth. Mine came with a piece of clarity. I am a parent now. I am a wife now. I was also still a daughter."

Bless You!

Demonstrate what to say when your child hears someone sneeze. Use whatever expression is appropriate for your culture. (Bless You, God Bless You, Gesundheit!, etc)

Robot Mask

This Robot Mask is quick to make and very effective for all ages. In the photo you can see we've used a basic shape of a triangle, but...

Cirque du Soleil: “Toruk” The First Flight

Dates: June 23rd to July 2nd Venue: Mall of Asia Complex Facebook: www.facebook.com/torukthefirstflight Twitter: www.twitter.com/cirque Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cirquedusoleil/

The Importance of Managing Our Blood Sugar Levels as We Age

☑️Grey hair ☑️Wrinkles ☑️Aching Bones ❌Diabetes? Learn how managing our blood sugar levels can minimize our risk for adult-onset diabetes.

Kuya’s Grandkids – Lucia Intal, Isabelle Padilla, and Seve Soriano Goes...

Celebrity hosts Mariel Padilla, Bianca Gonzalez-Intal, and Toni Soriano-Gonzaga gathered their adorable kids for a playdate! Plus, find out why play is an important part of kids' development.

Eczema in Kids: 4 Ways to Deal With It Aside from...

Anything that’s unusual, recurring, and brings discomfort to our child is a cause for alarm, no matter how harmless it may seem. Just like dry, red, itchy, or...

Food Allergy & Your Baby

Is your child's colic a sign of food allergy? Not likely, In fact very few cases of colic are actual signs of food allergy. Genetics is usually the...

Playdating 101: Tips for Meaningful Play Dates

By: Nina Malanay Playdates are a great way for toddlers and preschoolers to form their first friendships and learn how to get along with other children. They provide meaningful...

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