Preschooler Week 7

SortingYoung children have an innate desire to make sense of their world, and sorting activities provide them with an opportunity to do this in a way they can...

Preschooler Week 8

Raising A Bilingual ChildChildren are uniquely wired to acquire language. Linguists regard the first five years of life as the optimal time to learn a language. If a...

Preschooler Week 9

GratitudeYou don’t need to turn your son or daughter into a little Pollyanna to raise a child who knows how to show gratitude. Instead, you can adjust a...

Preschooler Week 5

Hand-eye CoordinationWell-developed hand-eye coordination is one of the most essential motor skills children need as they enter formal school. Good hand-eye coordination will help make reading and writing...

Preschooler Week 6

A New BabyWelcoming a new baby into the home is always a joyous occasion, but moms also find it necessary to put more effort into making their elder...

Preschooler Week 2

Essential Toys For Three Year OldsIsn’t it amazing how many toys your child has accumulated over a short span of three years? I’m sure you’ve learned some tricks...

Preschooler Week 3

Shy ChildShyness is not a disorder, but rather a personality temperament that up to 15% of children and adults share. In many cases, being shy does not affect...

Preschooler Week 4

OppositesWe constantly live with the concept of opposites, but we do not always recognize nor pay too much attention to them. But for kids, learning opposite relationships is...

Preschooler Week 1

The Same And DifferentTo be able to discriminate between the identical and the different, children need to have some developmental skills in place. They need to be able...

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