Labor Day

Did you know that labor starts even before your water bag bursts? In fact in more than three out of four pregnancies, it's the obstetrician who breaks the...

A Beginner’s Guide To Pregnancy

By: Deanne Banares Dimacali For women across the board, there is simply no ‘first’ more spectacular (or more gripping!) than being pregnant. Sure, there are first dates, first jobs,...

Having Trouble Sleeping? 5 Tricks to Overcome Insomnia during Pregnancy

By Mariel Uyquiengco Just when pregnant women need to sleep the most, their bodies refuse to cooperate and they hardly get to sleep at all. Sleep problems in pregnancy...

Why Some Mothers Have Stretch Marks Others Don’t

Hideous stretch marks can be extremely disturbing. Stretch marks are formed when there is a tear in our connective tissues or fibers due to the stretching of skin...

Early Pregnancy Red Flags: Five Things to Watch Out For on...

Although most pregnancies continue to develop without trouble or complication, moms should always exercise precaution and take note of red flags that could indicate a possible problem. Try not to worry too much. Instead, use this guide to know when to call your doctor.

Dealing with Post Natal Depression

By Ma. Yvette Heart Calimlim Have you experience feeling alone after giving birth? Having a crying episodes, anxiety and easily get irritable? You might have a symptoms of Postpartum depression...

Natural Childbirth: The Best Way To Give Birth?

Choosing natural childbirth does not mean opting for the primitive and painful way to give birth. It means choosing the safest and the gentlest way to give birth...

Hold that Chore: Household Chores to Avoid during your Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in your body and another human being is depending on your body's strength and nutrition to grow and develop. Hence, it's...

“Uy, Manas Ka” — Dealing with Pregnancy Edema

Pregnant and dealing with swollen feet and ankles? Read up mama - here's everything you need to know about manas or edema.

Eat Smart: Pregnancy Power Foods to Include in Your Diet

By Mariel Uyquiengco When a pregnant woman eats, she does so not only for herself but for the growing little one in her tummy too. Pregnancy is the time...

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