Pregnancy Week 32

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 47cm tall and weighs 1.8kg.  Your baby’s skin is no longer transparent and her skin is just like yours, but softer.  As...

Pregnancy Week 30

Inside Your BodyIn the beginning, your baby was dependent on your blood for his/her circulation through your placenta, but now he/she is becoming self-sufficient as his/her bone marrow...

Pregnancy Week 28

Inside Your BodyAs you enter your 3rd trimester, most of your baby’s organs and organ systems are not only formed, but are also functioning. Your baby is now...

Pregnancy Week 29

Inside Your BodyYour baby is growing well, weighing about 1.25kg and is 40cm tall.  His/her height will grow modestly from here on to term (about 50cm by week...

Pregnancy Week 25

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 23cm and weighs 680g.  He/she is developing blood vessels in his/her lungs and his/her spine and joints, as well as ligaments.  Your...

Pregnancy Week 26

Inside Your BodyThis week is the most important week in your baby’s life as it is only during this week your baby will begin to develop surfactant, which...

Pregnancy Week 27

Inside Your BodyYour baby will be approximately 25cm and weighs almost 1 kg.  During this period,your baby’s eyelids will begin to open and he/she will be developing the...

Pregnancy Week 22

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 19cm and weighs over 400g.  Your baby is now having a lot of activities in your tummy like sucking her thumb, gulping...

Pregnancy Week 23

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now over 20cm long and his/her weight has reached over 450g.   Your baby’s skin is a bit loose as the skin is growing...

Pregnancy Week 24

Inside Your BodyYou are gaining weight and so is your baby, who is gaining about 170g per week.  Your baby is now about 21.5cmand 560g.  He/she is putting...

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