Flashlight Fun

Spread a sheet over some chairs or a table and give your child a flashlight. Adding light to your child's dramatic play brings in a new element...

Five Highly Recommended Preschool Centers in the Philippines

Do you already have a specific preschool in mind for your child to attend this school year? It's easy to find a preschool since a lot of day...

Preschooler Week 3

Shy ChildShyness is not a disorder, but rather a personality temperament that up to 15% of children and adults share. In many cases, being shy does not affect...

Quick and Easy Home Remedies for Kids’ Stomachaches

You don't have to always resort to medicines or doctor-visits every time your child complains of an achy-tummy, thanks to these home remedies 😉

Co-Sleeping With Your Baby: When Does It End?

Here are a few things parents should know about co-sleeping and the importance of sleep training for kids 😉

6 Ways How An Overprotective Dad Can Do More Harm Than...

The roles that fathers have in our generation has had a significant facelift. We now see changing dynamics such as husbands staying at home, or fathers who are...


Dates: April 17-29, 2017 Address: 455 P. Guevara Street San Juan City Rates: Php 8,500 (get a P500 early bird promo if you sign up before April 12) Website: Register on https://www.sparklelab.ph/register-1/ [email protected] www.facebook.com/sparklelabofficial Ages: For 3.5-18...

Time to Get Dressed

While choosing clothing for the day, lay out four pairs of socks. Three white pair and one colored pair and see if your child can choose the...

Paper Mache Animal Storage Box

Paper Mache is made simply with old newspapers and glue. It is great for recycling and lots of fun to use to make things.What you need:Old newspapersShoe...

Preschooler Week 85

ItIt’s the process not the product.  This is the key component to keep in mind when exposing your children to art.  Regardless of the age the child it’s...

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