Marriage after Babies: What Happens Now?

By Patricia Gonzalez “Like passing ships in the sea,” one woman once said, of her changing relationship with her husband after 3 years of consecutive pregnancies and their increasingly...

Preschooler Week 46

What Do You Do WhenConversations with your child should occur naturally. In my family, an ideal time for a conversation is during mealtime or during transit times inside...

Preschooler Week 25

LetAs kids enter the early childhood years, their gross motor development advances. They become surer of themselves and take more risks. The large muscles on their legs, trunk,...

The Search for the Perfect Toy

Choosing a toy for your child or other children can be baffling... especially if you want to get them something they really like, yet you also want them...

THE POWER OF PLAY: Enhancing Your Child’s Social & Cognitive Development

Opportunities to play are really opportunities to learn. During play children learn and practice social skills, develop cognitive abilities like problem solving, and refine language skills. Renowned psychologist,...

Red Light, Green Light

Play red light, green light while he is walking with you. Yell, "Green light!" when he can run ahead and, "Red light!" when he needs to stop!...

Preschooler Week 4

OppositesWe constantly live with the concept of opposites, but we do not always recognize nor pay too much attention to them. But for kids, learning opposite relationships is...

Memory Bingo

Create a personalized BINGO card for your child using 9 pictures that are meaningful to your child. You might place a picture of your pet, a favorite...

Preschooler Week 47

What You Say Matters!When it comes to language development, three-year-old kids can be bipolar indeed: some of them talk all the time, while others barely say a word. The...

When A Preschool Kid Needs Discipline, Not Punishment

When discipline is constantly equated to punishment, then discipline becomes a failure. That is why there are some preschool kids who are unbelievably stubborn and not heeding. Constantly...

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