21st Hot Air balloon Fiesta

Dates: February 9-12,2017 Venue: Clark, Pampanga Time: Gates Open 4am Admission Tickets: 350/head' Online Booking: http://www.ticketnet.com.ph/

Braving Child Anxiety By Heart

“For parents whose children suffer from what doctors call childhood anxiety disorder, the road to acceptance is often desperate and lonely. Unlike a scrape on the knee, there is no ready band-aid to treat the anxiety of your little one.”

Educational Apps

There are thousands of apps available for young children, some excellent and some not the worth the time it takes to download. Here is an example of a...

6 Ways How An Overprotective Dad Can Do More Harm Than...

The roles that fathers have in our generation has had a significant facelift. We now see changing dynamics such as husbands staying at home, or fathers who are...

Raising Readers: 10 Tips to Encourage a Love for Reading among...

By: Nina Malanay It has been often said that we spend the first few years of our lives learning to read, and the rest of our lives reading to...

Mattress Jumping

Pull a mattress onto the floor (or blow up an air mattress), turn on some music and jump away! This is a great way to get some of...

Obesity Among 7-Year Olds Poses Higher Asthma Risks

A new study reveals that kids who are obese or overweight during the early part of their childhood face a higher risk of experiencing asthma at the age...

11th Christmas Toys & Collectibles Fair

Dates: December 16-18, 2016 Venue: Megatrade Hall 2, SM Megamall The biggest gathering of unique Toys and Collectibles sale for the Christmas Season is finally here! Join the Christmas Toys &...

6 Ways to Protect Your Kid from the Dangers of YouTube

Time to own up mommas! Who here has at one point or another surrendered their smartphone or tablet to their kiddo to get a moment of peace and...

Finding the Right Summer Camp

To find the right summer activities or summer camp for your child can be quite challenging. There are a lot of summer activities available and brochures are handed...

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