Learning as a Family

Whenever the Villanueva children visit my Kumon Center, you would not miss them. The three boys, Josemaria Philip, Juan Miguel, and Anthony Roland, are respectful, courteous, often smiling but...

10 To-Dos When Visiting a Newborn in a Hospital

Before you swing by the hospital to be one of the firsts to get a glimpse (and a whiff) of this new beginning, you might want to consider the following tips for the sake of the parents and the infant 😉

Ahchoo: When to See Your Pedia for Your Baby’s Cold

Sisinghot singhot ba si baby? Alamin when dapat dalhin sa Dr si baby if may sipon 🤔

How To Prepare for a C-Section Delivery

Whether you’re a mom preparing for the possibility of a Caesarean delivery or a mom getting ready for her scheduled C-section birth, planning for this major operation can...

Grocery Tipid Tips You Should Try

The supermarket is my happy place. There is something about getting your groceries and going through the different aisles that somehow feels relaxing and therapeutic. Do you feel...

How to Make the Switch from Office Work to a Home-based...

Perhaps the biggest challenge for people dreaming of working from home is when to take that leap. Leaving the corporate world can be daunting, especially for parents because...

Keep Your Family Safe During a Volcanic Eruption: What You Need...

Kamusta kayo, mommies? Stay safe! 🙏🏼

Chuck Out the Sugar and Try These Tips to Help the...

Kids need to take their prescribed medicines to help them get well, but getting them to drink a sour or weird-tasting liquid when they don’t feel well and cranky can turn out to be a struggle at best. Aside from what the nursery rhyme-prescribed spoonful of sugar, what can parents do to get their kids drink their medicine?

Feather Duster

Pick up a feather duster for your child to use when helping you dust. The duster itself it irresistible and this will give your child a sense...

Call the Doc Quick: Signs Your Child Needs Medical Attention –...

As much as I love peanuts, my body doesn’t seem to agree with me. I remember one day when I was nursing my then 1-year old daughter, I...

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