Taming that Temper Tantrum

Give him a choice between two options he can have, that way he is learning to make successful choices and he feels that he has some control over...

Prompting the “why” yourself

Ask your child, "Why do you think ________?" (Insert a question here.) This gives children an opportunity to think for themself and with creativity.

Museum visit

Contact a local children museum and exhibits to ask when they have discount days. Take your family on that day to take advantage of learning new things that...

Screen based Activities

Here is an example of an e-book that encourages interaction between parents and toddlers. It can also help to stimulate listening skills. My First Book of ABC and...

Educational Apps

There are thousands of apps available for young children, some excellent and some not the worth the time it takes to download. Here is an example of a...

Math in the Kitchen

Show your toddler how you count vegetables as you cook. Concentrate on numbers under five. For example: one cucumber, two potatoes and three tomatoes.

How Much Do I Love You Game

Ask your toddler: 'How much do I love you?' Spread your arms wide. Say: 'This much?' Then hold one hand up and show a little space between thumb...

Don’t take it personally

Remember not to take your toddlers tantrums as a personal offense. He is learning how to regulate his emotions as a normal part of growing up. Don't allow...

After-Tantrum Blues

Remember that your toddler will most probably feel very vulnerable after he's had a meltdown. Be gentle and give him a cuddle or some quiet time with his...

A Selective Guest List

Toddlers generally enjoy smaller parties with fewer friends more. Focus on inviting people who are significant to your child to the party. Too many people may be overwhelming.

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