Frame It

Frame some of her artwork and hang it in a place where she can see it. It will encourage her in her artistic efforts if you value what...

Phrase it Right

If your toddler shows you her drawing, never say: 'O! What a pretty rabbit!' It might not be a rabbit at all. Rather, tell her: 'Wow! That looks...

Screen based Activities

Here is an example of an e-book that encourages interaction between parents and toddlers. It can also help to stimulate listening skills. My First Book of ABC and...

Adjust your expectations

Expect the unexpected when shopping with a toddler. Don't expect her to sit placidly for hours on end, but be prepared with some toys or snacks to distract...

Sensory overload

If a large mall is overwhelming for you, imagine how overpowering it must be for your child's immature neurological system. Limit the time you spend in shops with...

Roll a snake

It may be very difficult for your toddler to roll a piece of clay between her palms to make a clay snake. Demonstrate for her how to do...

Eggs in a nest

While your toddler is playing with play dough, make a little bird's nest for her. If she's never seen one, provide a picture of a bird with a...

Book a workshop

Why don't you take your weekly or monthly me-time and book a short course in a creative hobby like mosaics, cross stitch or fabric painting? It will help...

Read a novel

Do you love reading, but lately all your reading time has been swallowed by parenting books? Make time to read inspiring fiction - even if it is only...

Clean Up

Make it a general rule that one set of toys should be packed away before another set is taken out. At this stage your toddler will still need...

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