Time to Eat a Pattern!

When preparing a snack or meal for your child, place the food in a pattern on the plate. For example: Apple slice, cheese slice, apple slice,...

How does it work? Where does it come from?

Show your child picture cards of common items. Have your child tell you where it comes from or how it works. For example, how does a...

Photo Album Stories

Take pictures of daily events that your child encounters and add them to a photo album. Use these pictures to help your child recall important parts of...

A walk in the park

A walk in the park is filled with opportunities to point out objects with opposite characteristics to your child. Show her a big tree and a tiny flower...

Play Hopscotch

A great way to practice your child's hopping and balancing skills is to play hopscotch. Draw a grid on the concrete. Throw a rock to a...

Making shakers and drums!

Save your paper towel and toilet paper rolls and turn them into shakers. Attach a small piece of heavy paper, just large enough to cover one side of...

To grow or not to grow

Place some seeds in an environment that nurtures them to grow and the rest of the seeds in an environment that prohibits growth. Create a chart to write...

Make Your Own Lyrics!

Take a familiar tune (such as Row, Row, Row Your Boat) and make up your own verses. Create the verses to "fit" your child! Write down...

Keeping the Kilig Alive Even with Kids

As parents, do you still flirt and snuggle with your partner? If kulang, then you know what to do na 😉

New Words, New Towers

Introduce some new vocabulary to child in this tower building game. Encourage your child to build the tallest tower, the fanciest tower, a leaning tower, etc. ...

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