Toddler Week 90

Dress Up TimePlaying dress up transports toddlers into an imaginary world where they can live their fantasies of being princesses, superheroes or whatever they wish to be. It...

Toddler Week 37

Decisions About DisciplineDecisions on how to discipline your toddler should ideally be made before the need for it arises. As your toddler is approaching the notorious terrible twos...

Toddler Week 6

Mealtime BattlesToddlerhood is a transition phase when it comes to children’s dietary needs. This is the time when you can start introducing more solid food to toddlers in...

Toddler Week 79

Bath Time LearningAside from cleaning your toddler, bath time (or tubby time as we called it in our house!) can provide so many great opportunities for learning, sensory...

Toddler Week 5

Exploring With His HandsFine motor skills are children’s ability to use the small muscles in their fingers, hands and wrists to manipulate objects. Fine motor development takes place...

Toddler Week 88

CreativityTo a child play is work and work is play. During the toddler years your child learns how the world works by interacting with it through play. Creating...

Toddler Week 55

Building With BlocksAs you teach him how to play with blocks, your child will have a chance to develop his creativity skills more and more.  Maybe you can...

Toddler Week 20

Singing And MusicThere are many fun activities to do with your toddler to encourage a love for music. Most toddlers, after all, love listening to their parents as...

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