Toddler Week 83

Emerging Writing SkillsIf you are in the habit of giving your child plenty of artistic and creative materials – which I am sure you are, then you will...

Toddler Week 94

Food FightsAs children near three years of age, their food preferences become more pronounced. At this stage, you should have an idea of her preferences.  Does she like...

Toddler Week 16

Perpetual TeethingAs a rule of thumb, your child will get four new teeth every six months, and by the time your child turns two or three, he or...

Toddler Week 103

IndependenceIndependence enables  preschoolers to cope with the demands of their daily lives in preschool, amongst their peers and in their relationships with their parents and other adults. A...

Toddler Week 68

To Smell And TasteYour child may not understand what a “sense” is at this age, but she doesn’t need to understand what it is to explore and learn...

Toddler Week 101

CuriosityAlbert Einstein once said: ‘I have not special talents, I’m only passionately curious.’ One of the greatest scientists of all time shares that trait with all three year...

Toddler Week 56

Learning Through PlayDo you find yourself always stopping your toddler before the puzzles are pulled off the shelf and onto the floor?  Perhaps at the playground you consistently...

Toddler Week 100

Embrace ChaosLife with a preschooler (or two!) is never boring. You may find yourself skating down the hallway on toy cars at 2am in the morning or discover...

Toddler Week 52

IWhat an exciting week! Happy birthday to your new two-year old!  There have been many changes and growth in the past year and you have so many more...

Toddler Week 97

Little ChoresEvery household with children has  a constant stream of work that needs to be done. Have you ever tried involving your toddler in those household tasks? He...

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