Home Article Basics of pregnancy: A quick overview of progesterone and breastfeeding

Basics of pregnancy: A quick overview of progesterone and breastfeeding


Many women immediately suspect that they’re pregnant if they miss their period. And while this may be true in many cases, it doesn’t mean that it is applicable all the time. There are still several other signs that can indicate pregnancy. For instance, morning sickness, or nausea as it is also referred to, can be a good sign that you’re having a baby. Another good example that you are likely to be pregnant are noticeably frequent trips to the bathroom. That is because a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) causes changes in your muscle tone and uterus, compelling you to run to the bathroom and urinate a lot more often. But do you know that another hormone known as progesterone likewise plays a very important role in pregnancy? Apart from that, breastfeeding is also one of the most rewarding things that can be associated right after you give birth. Below is a quick overview of both of them: 



During pregnancy it’s quite common for you to feel considerably more tired than usual. This constant feeling of sluggishness in pregnancy is caused by progesterone, a hormone that makes you crave for additional sleep. Though being constantly deprived of energy during stages of your pregnancy may not be such a welcoming thought for you, it is best to remember that your baby is slowly developing inside you that’s why you’re bound not to feel as energetic as usual. Whenever you feel tired or sleepy during pregnancy, the most sensible thing to do is get some rest – even taking a cat nap should do wonders in helping you restore your energy.


Now, after pregnancy, one of the things that immediately come to mind is how to give the proper nourishment to your baby. Without a doubt, breastfeeding is the best and most highly recommended method to do so. But if you’re a new mother there may be some confusion on your part. Exactly how do you go about it? First of all, throughout the duration of your pregnancy and well after, be sure that you are consuming enough calories (about 2,200 to 2,700 everyday). This spells out that you have enough nutrition – both for you and your baby.

Progesterone and breastfeeding are just two of a long string of things that are associated with pregnancy. This stage will mark a new and very exciting chapter of your life, one that you will remember for years. If you’re a new mother it’s understandable to have more than a few concerns and worries. But if you back it up with regular medical check-ups and a healthy lifestyle, things should be ok.